Source code for

import warnings

import numpy as np

import nengo
from nengo.exceptions import ReadonlyError, SpaParseError, ValidationError
from import pointer
from nengo.utils.compat import is_iterable, is_number, is_integer, range

[docs]class Vocabulary(object): """A collection of semantic pointers, each with their own text label. The Vocabulary can also act as a dictionary, with keys as the names of the semantic pointers and values as the `.SemanticPointer` objects themselves. If it is asked for a pointer that does not exist, one will be automatically created. Parameters ----------- dimensions : int Number of dimensions for each semantic pointer. randomize : bool, optional (Default: True) Whether to randomly generate pointers. If False, the semantic pointers will be ``[1, 0, 0, ...], [0, 1, 0, ...], [0, 0, 1, ...]`` and so on. unitary : bool or list, optional (Default: False) If True, all generated pointers to be unitary. If a list of strings, any pointer whose name is in the list will be forced to be unitary when created. max_similarity : float, optional (Default: 0.1) When randomly generating pointers, ensure that the cosine of the angle between the new pointer and all existing pointers is less than this amount. If the system is unable to find such a pointer after 100 tries, a warning message is printed. include_pairs : bool, optional (Default: False) Whether to keep track of all pairs of pointers as well. This is helpful for determining if a vector is similar to ``A*B`` (in addition to being similar to ``A`` or ``B``), but exponentially increases the processing time. rng : `numpy.random.RandomState`, optional (Default: None) The random number generator to use to create new vectors. Attributes ---------- include_pairs : bool Whether to keep track of all pairs of pointers as well. This is helpful for determining if a vector is similar to ``A*B`` (in addition to being similar to ``A`` or ``B``), but exponentially increases the processing time. key_pairs : list The names of all pairs of semantic pointers (e.g., ``['A*B', 'A*C', 'B*C']``). keys : list of strings The names of all known semantic pointers (e.g., ``['A', 'B', 'C']``). vector_pairs : ndarray The values for each pair of semantic pointers, convolved together, in the same order as in ``key_pairs``. vectors : ndarray All of the semantic pointer values in a matrix, in the same order as in ``keys``. """ def __init__(self, dimensions, randomize=True, unitary=False, max_similarity=0.1, include_pairs=False, rng=None): if not is_integer(dimensions) or dimensions < 1: raise ValidationError("dimensions must be a positive integer", attr='dimensions', obj=self) self.dimensions = dimensions self.randomize = randomize self.unitary = unitary self.max_similarity = max_similarity self.pointers = {} self.keys = [] self.key_pairs = None self.vectors = np.zeros((0, dimensions), dtype=float) self.vector_pairs = None self._include_pairs = None self.include_pairs = include_pairs self._identity = None self.rng = rng self.readonly = False self.parent = None
[docs] def create_pointer(self, attempts=100, unitary=False): """Create a new semantic pointer. This will take into account the randomize and max_similarity parameters from self. If a pointer satisfying max_similarity is not generated after the specified number of attempts, the candidate pointer with lowest maximum cosine with all existing pointers is returned. """ if self.randomize: if self.vectors.shape[0] == 0: p = pointer.SemanticPointer(self.dimensions, rng=self.rng) else: p_sim = np.inf for _ in range(attempts): pp = pointer.SemanticPointer(self.dimensions, rng=self.rng) pp_sim = max(, pp.v)) if pp_sim < p_sim: p = pp p_sim = pp_sim if p_sim < self.max_similarity: break else: warnings.warn( 'Could not create a semantic pointer with ' 'max_similarity=%1.2f (D=%d, M=%d)' % (self.max_similarity, self.dimensions, len(self.pointers))) # Check and make vector unitary if needed if unitary: p.make_unitary() else: index = len(self.pointers) if index >= self.dimensions: raise ValidationError( "Tried to make more semantic pointers than " "dimensions with non-randomized Vocabulary", attr='dimensions', obj=self) p = pointer.SemanticPointer(np.eye(self.dimensions)[index]) return p
def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the semantic pointer with the requested name. If one does not exist, automatically create one. The key must be a valid semantic pointer name, which is any Python identifier starting with a capital letter. """ if not key[0].isupper(): raise SpaParseError( "Semantic pointers must begin with a capital letter.") value = self.pointers.get(key, None) if value is None: if is_iterable(self.unitary): unitary = key in self.unitary else: unitary = self.unitary value = self.create_pointer(unitary=unitary) self.add(key, value) return value
[docs] def add(self, key, p): """Add a new semantic pointer to the vocabulary. The pointer value can be a `.SemanticPointer` or a vector. """ if self.readonly: raise ReadonlyError(attr='Vocabulary', msg="Cannot add semantic pointer '%s' to " "read-only vocabulary." % key) if not key[0].isupper(): raise SpaParseError( "Semantic pointers must begin with a capital letter.") if not isinstance(p, pointer.SemanticPointer): p = pointer.SemanticPointer(p) if key in self.pointers: raise ValidationError("The semantic pointer %r already exists" % key, attr='pointers', obj=self) self.pointers[key] = p self.keys.append(key) self.vectors = np.vstack([self.vectors, p.v]) # Generate vector pairs if self.include_pairs and len(self.keys) > 1: for k in self.keys[:-1]: self.key_pairs.append('%s*%s' % (k, key)) v = (self.pointers[k] * p).v self.vector_pairs = np.vstack([self.vector_pairs, v])
@property def include_pairs(self): return self._include_pairs @include_pairs.setter def include_pairs(self, value): """Adjusts whether key pairs are kept track of by the vocabulary. If this is turned on, we need to compute all the pairs of terms already existing. """ if value == self._include_pairs: return self._include_pairs = value if self._include_pairs: self.key_pairs = [] self.vector_pairs = np.zeros((0, self.dimensions), dtype=float) for i in range(1, len(self.keys)): for k in self.keys[:i]: key = self.keys[i] self.key_pairs.append('%s*%s' % (k, key)) v = (self.pointers[k] * self.pointers[key]).v self.vector_pairs = np.vstack((self.vector_pairs, v)) else: self.key_pairs = None self.vector_pairs = None
[docs] def parse(self, text): """Evaluate a text string and return the corresponding SemanticPointer. This uses the Python ``eval()`` function, so any Python operators that have been defined for SemanticPointers are valid (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``~``, ``()``). Any terms do not exist in the vocabulary will be automatically generated. Valid semantic pointer terms must start with a capital letter. If the expression returns a scalar (int or float), a scaled version of the identity SemanticPointer will be returned. """ # The following line does everything. Note that self is being # passed in as the locals dictionary, and thanks to the __getitem__ # implementation, this will automatically create new semantic # pointers as needed. try: value = eval(text, {}, self) except NameError: raise SpaParseError( "Semantic pointers must start with a capital letter.") if is_number(value): value = value * self.identity if not isinstance(value, pointer.SemanticPointer): raise SpaParseError( "The result of parsing '%s' is not a SemanticPointer" % text) return value
@property def identity(self): """Return the identity vector.""" if self._identity is None: v = np.zeros(self.dimensions) v[0] = 1 self._identity = pointer.SemanticPointer(v) return self._identity
[docs] def text(self, v, minimum_count=1, maximum_count=None, # noqa: C901 threshold=0.1, join=';', terms=None, normalize=False): """Return a human-readable text version of the provided vector. This is meant to give a quick text version of a vector for display purposes. To do this, compute the dot product between the vector and all the terms in the vocabulary. The top few vectors are chosen for inclusion in the text. It will try to only return terms with a match above the threshold, but will always return at least minimum_count and at most maximum_count terms. Terms are sorted from most to least similar. Parameters ---------- v : SemanticPointer or ndarray The vector to convert into text. minimum_count : int, optional (Default: 1) Always return at least this many terms in the text. maximum_count : int, optional (Default: None) Never return more than this many terms in the text. If None, all terms will be returned. threshold : float, optional (Default: 0.1) How small a similarity for a term to be ignored. join : str, optional (Default: ';') The text separator to use between terms. terms : list, optional (Default: None) Only consider terms in this list of strings. normalize : bool, optional (Default: False) Whether to normalize the vector before computing similarity. """ if isinstance(v, pointer.SemanticPointer): v = v.v else: v = np.array(v, dtype='float') if normalize: nrm = np.linalg.norm(v) if nrm > 0: v /= nrm m =, v) matches = [(mm, self.keys[i]) for i, mm in enumerate(m)] if self.include_pairs: m2 =, v) matches2 = [(mm2, self.key_pairs[i]) for i, mm2 in enumerate(m2)] matches.extend(matches2) if terms is not None: # TODO: handle the terms parameter more efficiently, so we don't # compute a whole bunch of dot products and then throw them out matches = [mm for mm in matches if mm[1] in terms] matches.sort() matches.reverse() r = [] for m in matches: if minimum_count is not None and len(r) < minimum_count: r.append(m) elif maximum_count is not None and len(r) == maximum_count: break elif threshold is None or m[0] > threshold: r.append(m) else: break return join.join(['%0.2f%s' % (sim, key) for (sim, key) in r])
[docs] def dot(self, v): """Returns the dot product with all terms in the Vocabulary. Input parameter can either be a `.SemanticPointer` or a vector. """ if isinstance(v, pointer.SemanticPointer): v = v.v return, v)
[docs] def dot_pairs(self, v): """Returns the dot product with all pairs of terms in the Vocabulary. Input parameter can either be a `.SemanticPointer` or a vector. """ if not self.include_pairs: raise ValidationError( "'include_pairs' must be True to call dot_pairs", attr='include_pairs', obj=self) if isinstance(v, pointer.SemanticPointer): v = v.v return, v)
[docs] def transform_to(self, other, keys=None): """Create a linear transform from one Vocabulary to another. This is simply the sum of the outer products of the corresponding terms in each Vocabulary. Parameters ---------- other : Vocabulary The other vocabulary to translate into. keys : list, optional (Default: None) If None, any term that exists in just one of the Vocabularies will be created in the other Vocabulary and included. Otherwise, the transformation will only consider terms in this list. Any terms in this list that do not exist in the Vocabularies will be created. """ # If the parent vocabs of self and other are the same, then no # transform is needed between the two vocabularies, so return an # identity matrix. my_parent = self if self.parent is None else self.parent other_parent = other if other.parent is None else other.parent if my_parent is other_parent: return np.eye(self.dimensions) else: if keys is None: if self.readonly and other.readonly: keys = [k for k in self.keys if k in other.keys] elif self.readonly: keys = list(self.keys) elif other.readonly: keys = list(other.keys) else: keys = list(self.keys) keys.extend([k for k in other.keys if k not in self.keys]) t = np.zeros((other.dimensions, self.dimensions), dtype=float) for k in keys: a = self[k].v b = other[k].v t += np.outer(b, a) return t
[docs] def prob_cleanup(self, similarity, vocab_size, steps=10000): """Estimate the chance of successful cleanup. This returns the chance that, out of vocab_size randomly chosen vectors, at least one of them will be closer to a particular vector than the value given by compare. To use this, compare your noisy vector with the ideal vector, pass that value in as the similarity parameter, and set ``vocab_size`` to be the number of competing vectors. The steps parameter sets the accuracy of the approximate integral needed to compute this. The basic principle used here is that the probability of two random vectors in a D-dimensional space being a given angle apart is proportional to ``sin(angle)**(D-2)``. So we integrate this value to get a probability of one vector being farther away than the desired angle, and then raise that to vocab_size to get the probability that all of them are farther away. """ # TODO: test for numerical stability. We are taking a number # slightly below 1 and raising it to a large exponent, so there's # lots of room for rounding errors. angle = np.arccos(similarity) x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, steps) y = np.sin(x) ** (self.dimensions-2) total = np.sum(y) too_close = np.sum(y[:int(angle * steps / np.pi)]) perror1 = too_close / total pcorrect = (1 - perror1) ** vocab_size return pcorrect
[docs] def extend(self, keys, unitary=False): """Extends the vocabulary with additional keys. Creates and adds the semantic pointers listed in keys to the vocabulary. Parameters ---------- keys : list List of semantic pointer names to be added to the vocabulary. unitary : bool or list, optional (Default: False) If True, all generated pointers to be unitary. If a list of strings, any pointer whose name is on the list will be forced to be unitary when created. """ if is_iterable(unitary): if is_iterable(self.unitary): self.unitary.extend(unitary) else: self.unitary = list(unitary) elif unitary: if is_iterable(self.unitary): self.unitary.extend(keys) else: self.unitary = list(keys) for key in keys: if key not in self.keys: self[key]
[docs] def create_subset(self, keys): """Returns the subset of this vocabulary. Creates and returns a subset of the current vocabulary that contains all the semantic pointers found in keys. Parameters ---------- keys : list List of semantic pointer names to be copied over to the new vocabulary. """ # Make new Vocabulary object subset = Vocabulary(self.dimensions, self.randomize, self.unitary, self.max_similarity, self.include_pairs, self.rng) # Copy over the new keys for key in keys: subset.add(key, self.pointers[key]) # Assign the parent if self.parent is not None: subset.parent = self.parent else: subset.parent = self # Make the subset read only subset.readonly = True return subset
class VocabularyParam(nengo.params.Parameter): """Can be a Vocabulary.""" def validate(self, instance, vocab): super(VocabularyParam, self).validate(instance, vocab) if vocab is not None and not isinstance(vocab, Vocabulary): raise ValidationError("Must be of type 'Vocabulary' (got type %r)." % vocab.__class__.__name__,, obj=instance) return vocab