"""These are helper functions to simplify some operations in the SPA module."""
import numpy as np
import nengo
import nengo.utils.numpy as npext
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from nengo.utils.compat import is_iterable
[docs]def enable_spa_params(model):
"""Enables the SPA specific parameters on a model.
model : Network
Model to activate SPA specific parameters for.
from nengo.spa.vocab import VocabularyParam
for obj_type in [nengo.Node, nengo.Ensemble]:
'vocab', VocabularyParam(None, optional=True))
[docs]def similarity(data, vocab, normalize=False):
"""Return the similarity between some data and the vocabulary.
Computes the dot products between all data vectors and each
vocabulary vector. If ``normalize=True``, normalizes all vectors
to compute the cosine similarity.
data: array_like
The data used for comparison.
vocab: Vocabulary or array_like
Vocabulary (or list of vectors) to use to calculate
the similarity values.
normalize : bool, optional (Default: False)
Whether to normalize all vectors, to compute the cosine similarity.
from nengo.spa.vocab import Vocabulary
if isinstance(vocab, Vocabulary):
vectors = vocab.vectors
elif is_iterable(vocab):
vectors = np.array(vocab, copy=False, ndmin=2)
raise ValidationError("%r object is not a valid vocabulary"
% (vocab.__class__.__name__), attr='vocab')
data = np.array(data, copy=False, ndmin=2)
dots = np.dot(data, vectors.T)
if normalize:
# Zero-norm vectors should return zero, so avoid divide-by-zero error
eps = np.nextafter(0, 1) # smallest float above zero
dnorm = np.maximum(npext.norm(data, axis=1, keepdims=True), eps)
vnorm = np.maximum(npext.norm(vectors, axis=1, keepdims=True), eps)
dots /= dnorm
dots /= vnorm.T
return dots