Source code for

import warnings

import numpy as np

import nengo
from nengo.exceptions import SpaModuleError
from import Vocabulary
from import Module
from import enable_spa_params
from nengo.utils.compat import iteritems

[docs]class SPA(nengo.Network): """Base class for SPA models. This expands the standard `.Network` system to support structured connections that use Semantic Pointers and associated vocabularies in their definitions. To build a SPA model, you can either use ``with`` or create a subclass of this SPA class. If you use the ``with`` statement, any attribute added to the SPA network will be accessible for SPA connections. If you chose to create a subclass, any `` object that is assigned to a member variable will automatically be accessible by the SPA connection system. As an example, the following code will build three modules (two buffers and a memory) that can be referred to as ``a``, ``b``, and ``c``, respectively. First, the example with a ``with`` statement:: example = spa.Spa() with example: example.a = spa.Buffer(dimensions=8) example.b = spa.Buffer(dimensions=16) example.c = spa.Memory(dimensions=8) Now, the example with a subclass:: class Example(spa.SPA): def __init__(self): with self: self.a = spa.Buffer(dimensions=8) self.b = spa.Buffer(dimensions=16) self.c = spa.Memory(dimensions=8) These names can be used by special modules that are aware of these names. As an example, the `.Cortical` module allows you to form connections between these modules in ways that are aware of semantic pointers:: with example: example.a = spa.Buffer(dimensions=8) example.b = spa.Buffer(dimensions=16) example.c = spa.Memory(dimensions=8) example.cortical = spa.Cortical(spa.Actions( 'b=a*CAT', 'c=b*~CAT')) For complex cognitive control, the key modules are the `.spa.BasalGanglia` and the `.spa.Thalamus`. Together, these allow us to define complex actions using the `.spa.Action` syntax:: class SequenceExample(spa.SPA): def __init__(self): self.state = spa.Memory(dimensions=32) actions = spa.Actions('dot(state, A) --> state=B', 'dot(state, B) --> state=C', 'dot(state, C) --> state=D', 'dot(state, D) --> state=E', 'dot(state, E) --> state=A') = spa.BasalGanglia(actions=actions) self.thal = spa.Thalamus( """ def __init__(self, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None, vocabs=None): super(SPA, self).__init__(label, seed, add_to_container) vocabs = [] if vocabs is None else vocabs enable_spa_params(self) self._modules = {} self._default_vocabs = {} for vo in vocabs: if vo.dimensions in self._default_vocabs: warnings.warn("Duplicate vocabularies with dimension %d. " "Using the last entry in the vocab list with " "that dimensionality." % (vo.dimensions)) self._default_vocabs[vo.dimensions] = vo def __setattr__(self, key, value): """A setattr that handles Modules being added specially. This is so that we can use the variable name for the Module as the name that all of the SPA system will use to access that module. """ if hasattr(self, key) and isinstance(getattr(self, key), Module): raise SpaModuleError("Cannot re-assign module-attribute %s to %s. " "SPA module-attributes can only be assigned " "once." % (key, value)) super(SPA, self).__setattr__(key, value) if isinstance(value, Module): if value.label is None: value.label = key self._modules[key] = value for k, (obj, v) in iteritems(value.inputs): if type(v) == int: value.inputs[k] = (obj, self.get_default_vocab(v)) self.config[obj].vocab = value.inputs[k][1] for k, (obj, v) in iteritems(value.outputs): if type(v) == int: value.outputs[k] = (obj, self.get_default_vocab(v)) self.config[obj].vocab = value.outputs[k][1] value.on_add(self) def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, traceback): super(SPA, self).__exit__(ex_type, ex_value, traceback) if ex_type is not None: # re-raise the exception that triggered this __exit__ return False module_list = frozenset(self._modules.values()) for net in self.networks: # Since there are no attributes to distinguish what's been added # and what hasn't, we have to ask the network if isinstance(net, Module) and (net not in module_list): raise SpaModuleError("%s must be set as an attribute of " "a SPA network" % (net))
[docs] def get_module(self, name): """Return the module for the given name.""" if name in self._modules: return self._modules[name] elif '_' in name: module, name = name.rsplit('_', 1) if module in self._modules: return self._modules[module] raise SpaModuleError("Could not find module %r" % name)
[docs] def get_default_vocab(self, dimensions): """Return a Vocabulary with the desired dimensions. This will create a new default Vocabulary if one doesn't exist. """ # If seed is set, create rng based off that seed. # Otherwise, just use the default NumPy rng. rng = None if self.seed is None else np.random.RandomState(self.seed) if dimensions not in self._default_vocabs: self._default_vocabs[dimensions] = Vocabulary(dimensions, rng=rng) return self._default_vocabs[dimensions]
[docs] def get_module_input(self, name): """Return the object to connect into for the given name. The name will be either the same as a module, or of the form ``<module_name>_<input_name>``. """ if name in self._modules and 'default' in self._modules[name].inputs: return self._modules[name].inputs['default'] elif '_' in name: module, name = name.rsplit('_', 1) if module in self._modules: m = self._modules[module] if name in m.inputs: return m.inputs[name] raise SpaModuleError("Could not find module input %r" % name)
def get_module_inputs(self): for name, module in iteritems(self._modules): for input in module.inputs: if input == 'default': yield name else: yield '%s_%s' % (name, input) def get_input_vocab(self, name): return self.get_module_input(name)[1]
[docs] def get_module_output(self, name): """Return the object to connect into for the given name. The name will be either the same as a module, or of the form ``<module_name>_<output_name>``. """ if name in self._modules: return self._modules[name].outputs['default'] elif '_' in name: module, name = name.rsplit('_', 1) if module in self._modules: m = self._modules[module] if name in m.outputs: return m.outputs[name] raise SpaModuleError("Could not find module output %r" % name)
def get_module_outputs(self): for name, module in iteritems(self._modules): for output in module.outputs: if output == 'default': yield name else: yield '%s_%s' % (name, output) def get_output_vocab(self, name): return self.get_module_output(name)[1]
[docs] def similarity(self, data, probe, vocab=None): """Return the similarity between the probed data and ``vocab``. If no vocabulary is provided, the vocabulary associated with ```` will be used. Parameters ---------- data: ProbeDict Collection of simulation data returned by function call. probe: Probe Probe with desired data. vocab : Vocabulary, optional (Default: None) The vocabulary to compare with. If None, uses the vocabulary associated with ````. """ if vocab is None: vocab = self.config[].vocab return[probe], vocab)