Source code for

from nengo.networks.assoc_mem import AssociativeMemory as AssocMem
from import Module

[docs]class AssociativeMemory(Module): """Associative memory module. Parameters ---------- input_vocab: list or Vocabulary The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to match. output_vocab: list or Vocabulary, optional (Default: None) The vocabulary (or list of vectors) to be produced for each match. If None, the associative memory will act like an autoassociative memory (cleanup memory). input_keys : list, optional (Default: None) A list of strings that correspond to the input vectors. output_keys : list, optional (Default: None) A list of strings that correspond to the output vectors. default_output_key: str, optional (Default: None) The semantic pointer string to be produced if the input value matches none of vectors in the input vector list. threshold: float, optional (Default: 0.3) The association activation threshold. inhibitable: bool, optional (Default: False) Flag to indicate if the entire associative memory module is inhibitable (i.e., the entire module can be inhibited). wta_output: bool, optional (Default: False) Flag to indicate if output of the associative memory should contain more than one vector. If True, only one vector's output will be produced; i.e. produce a winner-take-all (WTA) output. If False, combinations of vectors will be produced. wta_inhibit_scale: float, optional (Default: 3.0) Scaling factor on the winner-take-all (WTA) inhibitory connections. wta_synapse: float, optional (Default: 0.005) Synapse to use for the winner-take-all (wta) inhibitory connections. threshold_output: bool, optional (Default: False) Adds a threholded output if True. label : str, optional (Default: None) A name for the ensemble. Used for debugging and visualization. seed : int, optional (Default: None) The seed used for random number generation. add_to_container : bool, optional (Default: None) Determines if this Network will be added to the current container. If None, will be true if currently in a Network context. """ def __init__(self, input_vocab, output_vocab=None, # noqa: C901 input_keys=None, output_keys=None, default_output_key=None, threshold=0.3, inhibitable=False, wta_output=False, wta_inhibit_scale=3.0, wta_synapse=0.005, threshold_output=False, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None): super(AssociativeMemory, self).__init__(label, seed, add_to_container) if input_keys is None: input_keys = input_vocab.keys input_vectors = input_vocab.vectors else: input_vectors = input_vocab.create_subset(input_keys).vectors # If output vocabulary is not specified, use input vocabulary # (i.e autoassociative memory) if output_vocab is None: output_vocab = input_vocab output_vectors = input_vectors else: if output_keys is None: output_keys = input_keys output_vectors = output_vocab.create_subset(output_keys).vectors if default_output_key is None: default_output_vector = None else: default_output_vector = output_vocab.parse(default_output_key).v # Create nengo network with self: = AssocMem(input_vectors=input_vectors, output_vectors=output_vectors, threshold=threshold, inhibitable=inhibitable, label=label, seed=seed, add_to_container=add_to_container) if default_output_vector is not None: if wta_output:, wta_synapse) if threshold_output: self.input = self.output = if inhibitable: self.inhibit = self.utilities = if threshold_output: self.thresholded_utilities = self.inputs = dict(default=(self.input, input_vocab)) self.outputs = dict(default=(self.output, output_vocab))