Source code for nengo.solvers

Functions concerned with solving for decoders or full weight matrices.

Many of the solvers in this file can solve for decoders or weight matrices,
depending on whether the post-population encoders `E` are provided (see below).
Solvers that are only intended to solve for either decoders or weights can
remove the `E` parameter or make it manditory as they see fit.
import collections
import logging
import time

import numpy as np

import nengo.utils.least_squares_solvers as lstsq
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from nengo.params import BoolParam, NumberParam, Parameter
from nengo.utils.compat import range, with_metaclass, iteritems
from nengo.utils.least_squares_solvers import (
    format_system, rmses, LeastSquaresSolverParam)
from nengo.utils.magic import DocstringInheritor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Solver(with_metaclass(DocstringInheritor)): """Decoder or weight solver."""
[docs] def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): """Call the solver. Parameters ---------- A : (n_eval_points, n_neurons) array_like Matrix of the neurons' activities at the evaluation points Y : (n_eval_points, dimensions) array_like Matrix of the target decoded values for each of the D dimensions, at each of the evaluation points. rng : `numpy.random.RandomState`, optional (Default: None) A random number generator to use as required. If None, the ``numpy.random`` module functions will be used. E : (dimensions, post.n_neurons) array_like, optional (Default: None) Array of post-population encoders. Providing this tells the solver to return an array of connection weights rather than decoders. Returns ------- X : (n_neurons, dimensions) or (n_neurons, post.n_neurons) ndarray (n_neurons, dimensions) array of decoders (if ``solver.weights`` is False) or (n_neurons, post.n_neurons) array of weights (if ``'solver.weights`` is True). info : dict A dictionary of information about the solver. All dictionaries have an ``'rmses'`` key that contains RMS errors of the solve. Other keys are unique to particular solvers. """ raise NotImplementedError("Solvers must implement '__call__'")
def __hash__(self): items = list(self.__dict__.items()) items.sort(key=lambda item: item[0]) hashes = [] for k, v in items: if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if v.size < 1e5: a = v[:] a.setflags(write=False) hashes.append(hash(a)) else: raise ValidationError("array is too large to hash", attr=k) elif isinstance(v, collections.Iterable): hashes.append(hash(tuple(v))) elif isinstance(v, collections.Callable): hashes.append(hash(v.__code__)) else: hashes.append(hash(v)) return hash(tuple(hashes)) def __str__(self): return "%s(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in iteritems(self.__dict__)))
[docs] def mul_encoders(self, Y, E, copy=False): """Helper function that projects signal ``Y`` onto encoders ``E``. Parameters ---------- Y : ndarray The signal of interest. E : (dimensions, n_neurons) array_like or None Array of encoders. If None, ``Y`` will be returned unchanged. copy : bool, optional (Default: False) Whether a copy of ``Y`` should be returned if ``E`` is None. """ if self.weights: if E is None: raise ValidationError( "Encoders must be provided for weight solver", attr='E') return, E) else: if E is not None: raise ValidationError( "Encoders must be 'None' for decoder solver", attr='E') return Y.copy() if copy else Y
class SolverParam(Parameter): def validate(self, instance, solver): if solver is not None and not isinstance(solver, Solver): raise ValidationError("'%s' is not a solver" % solver,, obj=instance) super(SolverParam, self).validate(instance, solver)
[docs]class Lstsq(Solver): """Unregularized least-squares solver. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. rcond : float, optional (Default: 0.01) Cut-off ratio for small singular values (see `numpy.linalg.lstsq`). Attributes ---------- rcond : float Cut-off ratio for small singular values (see `numpy.linalg.lstsq`). weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ def __init__(self, weights=False, rcond=0.01): self.rcond = rcond self.weights = weights def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): tstart = time.time() Y = self.mul_encoders(Y, E) X, residuals2, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(A, Y, rcond=self.rcond) t = time.time() - tstart return X, {'rmses': rmses(A, X, Y), 'residuals': np.sqrt(residuals2), 'rank': rank, 'singular_values': s, 'time': t}
class _LstsqNoiseSolver(Solver): """Base class for least-squares solvers with noise.""" weights = BoolParam('weights') noise = NumberParam('noise', low=0) solver = LeastSquaresSolverParam('solver') def __init__(self, weights=False, noise=0.1, solver=lstsq.Cholesky()): """ Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. noise : float, optional (Default: 0.1) Amount of noise, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver`, optional (Default: ``Cholesky()``) Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. Attributes ---------- noise : float Amount of noise, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver` Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ self.weights = weights self.noise = noise self.solver = solver
[docs]class LstsqNoise(_LstsqNoiseSolver): """Least-squares solver with additive Gaussian white noise.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): tstart = time.time() rng = np.random if rng is None else rng sigma = self.noise * A.max() A = A + rng.normal(scale=sigma, size=A.shape) X, info = self.solver(A, Y, 0, rng=rng) info['time'] = time.time() - tstart return self.mul_encoders(X, E), info
[docs]class LstsqMultNoise(_LstsqNoiseSolver): """Least-squares solver with multiplicative white noise.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): tstart = time.time() rng = np.random if rng is None else rng A = A + rng.normal(scale=self.noise, size=A.shape) * A X, info = self.solver(A, Y, 0, rng=rng) info['time'] = time.time() - tstart return self.mul_encoders(X, E), info
class _LstsqL2Solver(Solver): """Base class for L2-regularized least-squares solvers.""" weights = BoolParam('weights') reg = NumberParam('reg', low=0) solver = LeastSquaresSolverParam('solver') def __init__(self, weights=False, reg=0.1, solver=lstsq.Cholesky()): """ Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. reg : float, optional (Default: 0.1) Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver`, optional (Default: ``Cholesky()``) Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. Attributes ---------- reg : float Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity. solver : `.LeastSquaresSolver` Subsolver to use for solving the least squares problem. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ self.weights = weights self.reg = reg self.solver = solver
[docs]class LstsqL2(_LstsqL2Solver): """Least-squares solver with L2 regularization.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): tstart = time.time() sigma = self.reg * A.max() X, info = self.solver(A, Y, sigma, rng=rng) info['time'] = time.time() - tstart return self.mul_encoders(X, E), info
[docs]class LstsqL2nz(_LstsqL2Solver): """Least-squares solver with L2 regularization on non-zero components.""" def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): tstart = time.time() # Compute the equivalent noise standard deviation. This equals the # base amplitude (noise_amp times the overall max activation) times # the square-root of the fraction of non-zero components. sigma = (self.reg * A.max()) * np.sqrt((A > 0).mean(axis=0)) # sigma == 0 means the neuron is never active, so won't be used, but # we have to make sigma != 0 for numeric reasons. sigma[sigma == 0] = sigma.max() X, info = self.solver(A, Y, sigma, rng=rng) info['time'] = time.time() - tstart return self.mul_encoders(X, E), info
[docs]class LstsqL1(Solver): """Least-squares solver with L1 and L2 regularization (elastic net). This method is well suited for creating sparse decoders or weight matrices. """ weights = BoolParam('weights') l1 = NumberParam('l1', low=0) l2 = NumberParam('l2', low=0) def __init__(self, weights=False, l1=1e-4, l2=1e-6): """ .. note:: Requires `scikit-learn <>`_. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. l1 : float, optional (Default: 1e-4) Amount of L1 regularization. l2 : float, optional (Default: 1e-6) Amount of L2 regularization. Attributes ---------- l1 : float Amount of L1 regularization. l2 : float Amount of L2 regularization. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ import sklearn.linear_model # noqa F401, import to check existence assert sklearn.linear_model self.weights = weights self.l1 = l1 self.l2 = l2 def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): import sklearn.linear_model tstart = time.time() Y = self.mul_encoders(Y, E, copy=True) # copy since 'fit' may modify Y # TODO: play around with regularization constants (I just guessed). # Do we need to scale regularization by number of neurons, to get # same level of sparsity? esp. with weights? Currently, setting # l1=1e-3 works well with weights when connecting 1D populations # with 100 neurons each. a = self.l1 * A.max() # L1 regularization b = self.l2 * A.max()**2 # L2 regularization alpha = a + b l1_ratio = a / (a + b) # --- solve least-squares A * X = Y model = sklearn.linear_model.ElasticNet( alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=False, max_iter=1000), Y) X = model.coef_.T X.shape = (A.shape[1], Y.shape[1]) if Y.ndim > 1 else (A.shape[1],) t = time.time() - tstart infos = {'rmses': rmses(A, X, Y), 'time': t} return X, infos
[docs]class LstsqDrop(Solver): """Find sparser decoders/weights by dropping small values. This solver first solves for coefficients (decoders/weights) with L2 regularization, drops those nearest to zero, and retrains remaining. """ weights = BoolParam('weights') drop = NumberParam('drop', low=0, high=1) solver1 = SolverParam('solver1') solver2 = SolverParam('solver2') def __init__(self, weights=False, drop=0.25, solver1=LstsqL2nz(reg=0.1), solver2=LstsqL2nz(reg=0.01)): """ Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. drop : float, optional (Default: 0.25) Fraction of decoders or weights to set to zero. solver1 : Solver, optional (Default: ``LstsqL2nz(reg=0.1)``) Solver for finding the initial decoders. solver2 : Solver, optional (Default: ``LstsqL2nz(reg=0.01)``) Used for re-solving for the decoders after dropout. Attributes ---------- drop : float Fraction of decoders or weights to set to zero. solver1 : Solver Solver for finding the initial decoders. solver2 : Solver Used for re-solving for the decoders after dropout. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ self.weights = weights self.drop = drop self.solver1 = solver1 self.solver2 = solver2 def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): tstart = time.time() Y, m, n, d, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) # solve for coefficients using standard solver X, info0 = self.solver1(A, Y, rng=rng) X = self.mul_encoders(X, E) # drop weights close to zero, based on `drop` ratio Xabs = np.sort(np.abs(X.flat)) threshold = Xabs[int(np.round(self.drop * Xabs.size))] X[np.abs(X) < threshold] = 0 # retrain nonzero weights Y = self.mul_encoders(Y, E) for i in range(X.shape[1]): nonzero = X[:, i] != 0 if nonzero.sum() > 0: X[nonzero, i], info1 = self.solver2( A[:, nonzero], Y[:, i], rng=rng) t = time.time() - tstart info = {'rmses': rmses(A, X, Y), 'info0': info0, 'info1': info1, 'time': t} return X if matrix_in else X.flatten(), info
[docs]class Nnls(Solver): """Non-negative least-squares solver without regularization. Similar to `.Lstsq`, except the output values are non-negative. """ weights = BoolParam('weights') def __init__(self, weights=False): """ .. note:: Requires `SciPy <>`_. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. Attributes ---------- weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ import scipy.optimize # import here too to throw error early assert scipy.optimize self.weights = weights def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): import scipy.optimize tstart = time.time() Y, m, n, d, matrix_in = format_system(A, Y) Y = self.mul_encoders(Y, E) X = np.zeros((n, d)) residuals = np.zeros(d) for i in range(d): X[:, i], residuals[i] = scipy.optimize.nnls(A, Y[:, i]) t = time.time() - tstart info = {'rmses': rmses(A, X, Y), 'residuals': residuals, 'time': t} return X if matrix_in else X.flatten(), info
[docs]class NnlsL2(Nnls): """Non-negative least-squares solver with L2 regularization. Similar to `.LstsqL2`, except the output values are non-negative. """ reg = NumberParam('reg', low=0) def __init__(self, weights=False, reg=0.1): """ .. note:: Requires `SciPy <>`_. Parameters ---------- weights : bool, optional (Default: False) If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. reg : float, optional (Default: 0.1) Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity. Attributes ---------- reg : float Amount of regularization, as a fraction of the neuron activity. weights : bool If False, solve for decoders. If True, solve for weights. """ super(NnlsL2, self).__init__(weights=weights) self.reg = reg def _solve(self, A, Y, rng, E, sigma): tstart = time.time() # form Gram matrix so we can add regularization GA =, A) GY =, Y) np.fill_diagonal(GA, GA.diagonal() + A.shape[0] * sigma**2) X, info = super(NnlsL2, self).__call__(GA, GY, rng=rng, E=E) t = time.time() - tstart # recompute the RMSE in terms of the original matrices info = {'rmses': rmses(A, X, Y), 'gram_info': info, 'time': t} return X, info def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): return self._solve(A, Y, rng, E, sigma=self.reg * A.max())
[docs]class NnlsL2nz(NnlsL2): """Non-negative least-squares with L2 regularization on nonzero components. Similar to `.LstsqL2nz`, except the output values are non-negative. """ def __call__(self, A, Y, rng=None, E=None): sigma = (self.reg * A.max()) * np.sqrt((A > 0).mean(axis=0)) sigma[sigma == 0] = 1 return self._solve(A, Y, rng, E, sigma=sigma)