import numpy as np
import nengo
from nengo.networks.ensemblearray import EnsembleArray
[docs]def Product(n_neurons, dimensions, input_magnitude=1., net=None):
"""Computes the element-wise product of two equally sized vectors.
The network used to calculate the product is described in
`Gosmann, 2015`_. A simpler version of this network can be found in the
`Multiplication example
.. _Gosmann, 2015:
n_neurons : int
Number of neurons per dimension in the vector.
.. note:: These neurons will be distributed evently across two
ensembles. If an odd number of neurons is specified, the
extra neuron will not be used.
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions in each of the vectors to be multiplied.
input_magnitude : float, optional (Default: 1.)
The expected magnitude of the vectors to be multiplied.
This value is used to determine the radius of the ensembles
computing the element-wise product.
net : Network, optional (Default: None)
A network in which the network components will be built.
This is typically used to provide a custom set of Nengo object
defaults through modifying ``net.config``.
net : Network
The newly built product network, or the provided ``net``.
net.A : Node
The first vector to be multiplied.
net.B : Node
The second vector to be multiplied.
net.output : Node
The resulting product.
net.sq1 : EnsembleArray
Represents the first squared term. See `Gosmann, 2015`_ for details.
net.sq2 : EnsembleArray
Represents the second squared term. See `Gosmann, 2015`_ for details.
if net is None:
net = nengo.Network(label="Product")
with net:
net.A = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions, label="A")
net.B = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions, label="B")
net.output = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions, label="output")
net.sq1 = EnsembleArray(
max(1, n_neurons // 2), n_ensembles=dimensions, ens_dimensions=1,
radius=input_magnitude * np.sqrt(2))
net.sq2 = EnsembleArray(
max(1, n_neurons // 2), n_ensembles=dimensions, ens_dimensions=1,
radius=input_magnitude * np.sqrt(2))
tr = 1. / np.sqrt(2.)
nengo.Connection(net.A, net.sq1.input, transform=tr, synapse=None)
nengo.Connection(net.B, net.sq1.input, transform=tr, synapse=None)
nengo.Connection(net.A, net.sq2.input, transform=tr, synapse=None)
nengo.Connection(net.B, net.sq2.input, transform=-tr, synapse=None)
sq1_out = net.sq1.add_output('square', np.square)
nengo.Connection(sq1_out, net.output, transform=.5, synapse=None)
sq2_out = net.sq2.add_output('square', np.square)
nengo.Connection(sq2_out, net.output, transform=-.5, synapse=None)
return net
def dot_product_transform(dimensions, scale=1.0):
"""Returns a transform for output to compute the scaled dot product."""
return scale * np.ones((1, dimensions))