Source code for

from nengo.config import Config
from nengo.connection import Connection
from nengo.ensemble import Ensemble
from nengo.exceptions import ConfigError, NetworkContextError, ReadonlyError
from nengo.node import Node
from nengo.probe import Probe
from nengo.utils.threading import ThreadLocalStack

[docs]class Network(object): """A network contains ensembles, nodes, connections, and other networks. A network is primarily used for grouping together related objects and connections for visualization purposes. However, you can also use networks as a nice way to reuse network creation code. To group together related objects that you do not need to reuse, you can create a new ``Network`` and add objects in a ``with`` block. For example:: network = nengo.Network() with network: with nengo.Network(label="Vision"): v1 = nengo.Ensemble(nengo.LIF(100), dimensions=2) with nengo.Network(label="Motor"): sma = nengo.Ensemble(nengo.LIF(100), dimensions=2) nengo.Connection(v1, sma) To reuse a group of related objects, you can create a new subclass of ``Network``, and add objects in the ``__init__`` method. For example:: class OcularDominance(nengo.Network): def __init__(self): self.column = nengo.Ensemble(nengo.LIF(100), dimensions=2) network = nengo.Network() with network: left_eye = OcularDominance() right_eye = OcularDominance() nengo.Connection(left_eye.column, right_eye.column) Parameters ---------- label : str, optional (Default: None) Name of the network. seed : int, optional (Default: None) Random number seed that will be fed to the random number generator. Setting the seed makes the network's build process deterministic. add_to_container : bool, optional (Default: None) Determines if this network will be added to the current container. If None, this network will be added to the network at the top of the ``Network.context`` stack unless the stack is empty. Attributes ---------- connections : list `.Connection` instances in this network. ensembles : list `.Ensemble` instances in this network. label : str Name of this network. networks : list `.Network` instances in this network. nodes : list `.Node` instances in this network. probes : list `.Probe` instances in this network. seed : int Random seed used by this network. """ context = ThreadLocalStack(maxsize=100) # static stack of Network objects def __init__(self, label=None, seed=None, add_to_container=None): self.label = label self.seed = seed self._config = self.default_config() self.objects = { Ensemble: [], Node: [], Connection: [], Network: [], Probe: [], } self.ensembles = self.objects[Ensemble] self.nodes = self.objects[Node] self.connections = self.objects[Connection] self.networks = self.objects[Network] self.probes = self.objects[Probe] # By default, we want to add to the current context, unless there is # no context; i.e., we're creating a top-level network. if add_to_container is None: add_to_container = len(Network.context) > 0 if add_to_container: Network.add(self) def __getstate__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Nengo Networks do not support pickling") def __setstate__(self, state): raise NotImplementedError("Nengo Networks do not support pickling") @staticmethod
[docs] def add(obj): """Add the passed object to ``Network.context``.""" if len(Network.context) == 0: raise NetworkContextError( "'%s' must either be created inside a ``with network:`` " "block, or set add_to_container=False in the object's " "constructor." % obj) network = Network.context[-1] if not isinstance(network, Network): raise NetworkContextError( "Current context (%s) is not a network" % network) for cls in obj.__class__.__mro__: if cls in network.objects: network.objects[cls].append(obj) break else: raise NetworkContextError("Objects of type %r cannot be added to " "networks." % obj.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def default_config(): """Constructs a `~.Config` object for setting defaults.""" return Config(Connection, Ensemble, Node, Probe)
def _all_objects(self, object_type): """Returns a list of all objects of the specified type.""" # Make a copy of this network's list objects = list(self.objects[object_type]) for subnet in self.networks: objects.extend(subnet._all_objects(object_type)) return objects @property def all_objects(self): """(list) All objects in this network and its subnetworks.""" objects = [] for object_type in self.objects: objects.extend(self._all_objects(object_type)) return objects @property def all_ensembles(self): """(list) All ensembles in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Ensemble) @property def all_nodes(self): """(list) All nodes in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Node) @property def all_networks(self): """(list) All networks in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Network) @property def all_connections(self): """(list) All connections in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Connection) @property def all_probes(self): """(list) All probes in this network and its subnetworks.""" return self._all_objects(Probe) @property def config(self): """(`.Config`) Configuration for this network.""" return self._config @config.setter def config(self, dummy): raise ReadonlyError(attr='config', obj=self) def __contains__(self, obj): return type(obj) in self.objects and obj in self.objects[type(obj)] def __enter__(self): Network.context.append(self) self._config.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, dummy_exc_type, dummy_exc_value, dummy_tb): if len(Network.context) == 0: raise NetworkContextError( "Network.context in bad state; was empty when " "exiting from a 'with' block.") config = Config.context[-1] if config is not self._config: raise ConfigError("Config.context in bad state; was expecting " "current context to be '%s' but instead got " "'%s'." % (self._config, config)) network = Network.context.pop() if network is not self: raise NetworkContextError( "Network.context in bad state; was expecting current context " "to be '%s' but instead got '%s'." % (self, network)) self._config.__exit__(dummy_exc_type, dummy_exc_value, dummy_tb) def __str__(self): return "<%s %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, '"%s"' % self.label if self.label is not None else "(unlabeled) at 0x%x" % id(self)) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s %s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, '"%s"' % self.label if self.label is not None else "(unlabeled)", "at 0x%x" % id(self))