Source code for nengo.ensemble

import weakref

from nengo.base import NengoObject, ObjView, ProcessParam
from nengo.dists import DistOrArrayParam, Uniform, UniformHypersphere
from nengo.exceptions import ReadonlyError
from nengo.neurons import LIF, NeuronTypeParam, Direct
from nengo.params import Default, IntParam, NumberParam

[docs]class Ensemble(NengoObject): """A group of neurons that collectively represent a vector. Parameters ---------- n_neurons : int The number of neurons. dimensions : int The number of representational dimensions. radius : int, optional (Default: 1.0) The representational radius of the ensemble. encoders : Distribution or (n_neurons, dimensions) array_like, optional \ (Default: UniformHypersphere(surface=True)) The encoders used to transform from representational space to neuron space. Each row is a neuron's encoder; each column is a representational dimension. intercepts : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like, optional \ (Default: ``nengo.dists.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0)``) The point along each neuron's encoder where its activity is zero. If ``e`` is the neuron's encoder, then the activity will be zero when ``dot(x, e) <= c``, where ``c`` is the given intercept. max_rates : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like, optional \ (Default: ``nengo.dists.Uniform(200, 400)``) The activity of each neuron when the input signal ``x`` is magnitude 1 and aligned with that neuron's encoder ``e``; i.e., when ``dot(x, e) = 1``. eval_points : Distribution or (n_eval_points, dims) array_like, optional \ (Default: ``nengo.dists.UniformHypersphere(surface=True)``) The evaluation points used for decoder solving, spanning the interval (-radius, radius) in each dimension, or a distribution from which to choose evaluation points. n_eval_points : int, optional (Default: None) The number of evaluation points to be drawn from the `eval_points` distribution. If None, then a heuristic is used to determine the number of evaluation points. neuron_type : `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`, optional \ (Default: ``nengo.LIF()``) The model that simulates all neurons in the ensemble (see `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`). gain : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like (Default: None) The gains associated with each neuron in the ensemble. If None, then the gain will be solved for using ``max_rates`` and ``intercepts``. bias : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like (Default: None) The biases associated with each neuron in the ensemble. If None, then the gain will be solved for using ``max_rates`` and ``intercepts``. noise : Process, optional (Default: None) Random noise injected directly into each neuron in the ensemble as current. A sample is drawn for each individual neuron on every simulation step. label : str, optional (Default: None) A name for the ensemble. Used for debugging and visualization. seed : int, optional (Default: None) The seed used for random number generation. Attributes ---------- bias : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like or None The biases associated with each neuron in the ensemble. dimensions : int The number of representational dimensions. encoders : Distribution or (n_neurons, dimensions) array_like The encoders, used to transform from representational space to neuron space. Each row is a neuron's encoder, each column is a representational dimension. eval_points : Distribution or (n_eval_points, dims) array_like The evaluation points used for decoder solving, spanning the interval (-radius, radius) in each dimension, or a distribution from which to choose evaluation points. gain : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like or None The gains associated with each neuron in the ensemble. intercepts : Distribution or (n_neurons) array_like or None The point along each neuron's encoder where its activity is zero. If ``e`` is the neuron's encoder, then the activity will be zero when ``dot(x, e) <= c``, where ``c`` is the given intercept. label : str or None A name for the ensemble. Used for debugging and visualization. max_rates : Distribution or (n_neurons,) array_like or None The activity of each neuron when ``dot(x, e) = 1``, where ``e`` is the neuron's encoder. n_eval_points : int or None The number of evaluation points to be drawn from the `eval_points` distribution. If None, then a heuristic is used to determine the number of evaluation points. n_neurons : int or None The number of neurons. neuron_type : NeuronType The model that simulates all neurons in the ensemble (see ``nengo.neurons``). noise : Process or None Random noise injected directly into each neuron in the ensemble as current. A sample is drawn for each individual neuron on every simulation step. radius : int The representational radius of the ensemble. seed : int or None The seed used for random number generation. """ n_neurons = IntParam('n_neurons', default=None, low=1) dimensions = IntParam('dimensions', default=None, low=1) radius = NumberParam('radius', default=1.0, low=1e-10) encoders = DistOrArrayParam('encoders', default=UniformHypersphere(surface=True), sample_shape=('n_neurons', 'dimensions')) intercepts = DistOrArrayParam('intercepts', default=Uniform(-1.0, 1.0), optional=True, sample_shape=('n_neurons',)) max_rates = DistOrArrayParam('max_rates', default=Uniform(200, 400), optional=True, sample_shape=('n_neurons',)) eval_points = DistOrArrayParam('eval_points', default=UniformHypersphere(), sample_shape=('*', 'dimensions')) n_eval_points = IntParam('n_eval_points', default=None, optional=True) neuron_type = NeuronTypeParam('neuron_type', default=LIF()) gain = DistOrArrayParam('gain', default=None, optional=True, sample_shape=('n_neurons',)) bias = DistOrArrayParam('bias', default=None, optional=True, sample_shape=('n_neurons',)) noise = ProcessParam('noise', default=None, optional=True) def __init__(self, n_neurons, dimensions, radius=Default, encoders=Default, intercepts=Default, max_rates=Default, eval_points=Default, n_eval_points=Default, neuron_type=Default, gain=Default, bias=Default, noise=Default, label=Default, seed=Default): super(Ensemble, self).__init__(label=label, seed=seed) self.n_neurons = n_neurons self.dimensions = dimensions self.radius = radius self.encoders = encoders self.intercepts = intercepts self.max_rates = max_rates self.n_eval_points = n_eval_points self.eval_points = eval_points self.bias = bias self.gain = gain self.neuron_type = neuron_type self.noise = noise self._neurons = Neurons(self) def __getitem__(self, key): return ObjView(self, key) def __len__(self): return self.dimensions @property def neurons(self): """A direct interface to the neurons in the ensemble.""" return self._neurons @neurons.setter def neurons(self, dummy): raise ReadonlyError(attr="neurons", obj=self) @property def probeable(self): """(tuple) Signals that can be probed on an ensemble.""" return ("decoded_output", "input") @property def size_in(self): """The dimensionality of the ensemble.""" return self.dimensions @property def size_out(self): """The dimensionality of the ensemble.""" return self.dimensions
[docs]class Neurons(object): """An interface for making connections directly to an ensemble's neurons. This should only ever be accessed through the ``neurons`` attribute of an ensemble, as a way to signal to `~nengo.Connection` that the connection should be made directly to the neurons rather than to the ensemble's decoded value. """ def __init__(self, ensemble): self._ensemble = weakref.ref(ensemble) def __getitem__(self, key): return ObjView(self, key) def __len__(self): return self.ensemble.n_neurons def __repr__(self): return "<Neurons at 0x%x of %r>" % (id(self), self.ensemble) def __str__(self): return "<Neurons of %s>" % self.ensemble @property def ensemble(self): """(Ensemble) The ensemble these neurons are part of.""" return self._ensemble() @property def probeable(self): """(tuple) Signals that can be probed in the neuron population.""" return ('output', 'input') + self.ensemble.neuron_type.probeable @property def size_in(self): """(int) The number of neurons in the population.""" if isinstance(self.ensemble.neuron_type, Direct): # This will prevent users from connecting/probing Direct neurons # (since there aren't actually any neurons being simulated). return 0 return self.ensemble.n_neurons @property def size_out(self): """(int) The number of neurons in the population.""" if isinstance(self.ensemble.neuron_type, Direct): # This will prevent users from connecting/probing Direct neurons # (since there aren't actually any neurons being simulated). return 0 return self.ensemble.n_neurons