import logging
import weakref
import numpy as np
from nengo.base import NengoObject, NengoObjectParam, ObjView
from nengo.dists import Distribution, DistOrArrayParam
from nengo.ensemble import Ensemble, Neurons
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from nengo.learning_rules import LearningRuleType, LearningRuleTypeParam
from nengo.node import Node
from nengo.params import (Default, Unconfigurable, ObsoleteParam,
BoolParam, FunctionParam)
from nengo.solvers import LstsqL2, SolverParam
from nengo.synapses import Lowpass, SynapseParam
from nengo.utils.compat import is_iterable, iteritems
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PrePostParam(NengoObjectParam):
def validate(self, conn, nengo_obj):
super(PrePostParam, self).validate(conn, nengo_obj)
if isinstance(nengo_obj, Connection):
raise ValidationError(
"Cannot connect to or from connections. "
"Did you mean to connect to the connection's learning rule?",, obj=conn)
class ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam(LearningRuleTypeParam):
"""Connection-specific validation for learning rules."""
def __set__(self, conn, rule):
conn._learning_rule = None
super(ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam, self).__set__(conn, rule)
def validate_rule(self, conn, rule):
super(ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam, self).validate_rule(conn, rule)
# --- Check pre object
if rule.modifies in ('decoders', 'weights'):
# pre object must be neural
if not isinstance(conn.pre_obj, (Ensemble, Neurons)):
raise ValidationError(
"pre' must be of type 'Ensemble' or 'Neurons' for "
"learning rule '%s' (got type %r)" % (
rule, conn.pre_obj.__class__.__name__),, obj=conn)
# --- Check post object
if rule.modifies == 'encoders':
if not isinstance(conn.post_obj, Ensemble):
raise ValidationError(
"'post' must be of type 'Ensemble' (got %r) "
"for learning rule '%s'"
% (conn.pre_obj.__class__.__name__, rule),, obj=conn)
if not isinstance(conn.post_obj, (Ensemble, Neurons, Node)):
raise ValidationError(
"'post' must be of type 'Ensemble', 'Neurons' or 'Node' "
"(got %r) for learning rule '%s'"
% (conn.post_obj.__class__.__name__, rule),, obj=conn)
if rule.modifies == 'weights':
# If the rule modifies 'weights', then it must have full weights
if conn.is_decoded:
raise ValidationError(
"Learning rule '%s' can not be applied to decoded "
"connections. Try setting solver.weights to True or "
"connecting between two Neurons objects." % rule,, obj=conn)
# transform matrix must be 2D
pre_size = (
conn.pre_obj.n_neurons if isinstance(conn.pre_obj, Ensemble)
else conn.pre.size_out)
post_size =
if (not conn.solver.weights and
conn.transform.shape != (post_size, pre_size)):
raise ValidationError(
"Transform must be 2D array with shape post_neurons x "
"pre_neurons (%d, %d)" % (pre_size, post_size),, obj=conn)
class ConnectionSolverParam(SolverParam):
"""Connection-specific validation for decoder solvers."""
def validate(self, conn, solver):
super(ConnectionSolverParam, self).validate(conn, solver)
if solver is not None:
if solver.weights and not isinstance(conn.pre_obj, Ensemble):
raise ValidationError(
"weight solvers only work for connections from ensembles "
"(got %r)" % conn.pre_obj.__class__.__name__,, obj=conn)
if solver.weights and not isinstance(conn.post_obj, Ensemble):
raise ValidationError(
"weight solvers only work for connections to ensembles "
"(got %r)" % conn.post_obj.__class__.__name__,, obj=conn)
class EvalPointsParam(DistOrArrayParam):
def validate(self, conn, distorarray):
"""Eval points are only valid when pre is an ensemble."""
if not isinstance(conn.pre, Ensemble):
msg = ("eval_points are only valid on connections from ensembles "
"(got type '%s')" % conn.pre.__class__.__name__)
raise ValidationError(msg,, obj=conn)
return super(EvalPointsParam, self).validate(conn, distorarray)
class ConnectionFunctionParam(FunctionParam):
"""Connection-specific validation for functions."""
def function_args(self, conn, function):
x = (conn.eval_points[0] if is_iterable(conn.eval_points)
else np.zeros(conn.size_in))
return (x,)
def validate(self, conn, function_info):
super(ConnectionFunctionParam, self).validate(conn, function_info)
fn_ok = (Node, Ensemble)
function, size = function_info
if function is not None and not isinstance(conn.pre_obj, fn_ok):
raise ValidationError(
"function can only be set for connections from an Ensemble or "
"Node (got type %r)" % conn.pre_obj.__class__.__name__,, obj=conn)
type_pre = conn.pre_obj.__class__.__name__
transform = conn.transform
size_mid = conn.size_in if function is None else size
if isinstance(transform, np.ndarray):
if transform.ndim < 2 and size_mid != conn.size_out:
raise ValidationError(
"function output size is incorrect; should return a "
"vector of size %d" % conn.size_out,,
if transform.ndim == 2 and size_mid != transform.shape[1]:
# check input dimensionality matches transform
raise ValidationError(
"%s output size (%d) not equal to transform input size "
"(%d)" % (type_pre, size_mid, transform.shape[1]),, obj=conn)
if (function is not None and isinstance(conn.pre_obj, Node) and
conn.pre_obj.output is None):
raise ValidationError(
"Cannot apply functions to passthrough nodes",, obj=conn)
class TransformParam(DistOrArrayParam):
"""The transform additionally validates size_out."""
def __init__(self, name, default, optional=False, readonly=False):
super(TransformParam, self).__init__(
name, default, (), optional, readonly)
def validate(self, conn, transform):
if not isinstance(transform, Distribution):
# if transform is an array, figure out what the correct shape
# should be
transform = np.asarray(transform, dtype=np.float64)
if transform.ndim == 0:
self.shape = ()
elif transform.ndim == 1:
self.shape = ('size_out',)
elif transform.ndim == 2:
# Actually (size_out, size_mid) but Function handles size_mid
self.shape = ('size_out', '*')
# check for repeated dimensions in lists, as these don't work
# for two-dimensional transforms
def repeated_inds(x):
return (not isinstance(x, slice) and
np.unique(x).size != len(x))
if repeated_inds(conn.pre_slice):
raise ValidationError(
"Input object selection has repeated indices",, obj=conn)
if repeated_inds(conn.post_slice):
raise ValidationError(
"Output object selection has repeated indices",, obj=conn)
raise ValidationError(
"Cannot handle transforms with dimensions > 2",, obj=conn)
super(TransformParam, self).validate(conn, transform)
return transform
[docs]class Connection(NengoObject):
"""Connects two objects together.
The connection between the two object is unidirectional,
transmitting information from the first argument, ``pre``,
to the second argument, ``post``.
Almost any Nengo object can act as the pre or post side of a connection.
Additionally, you can use Python slice syntax to access only some of the
dimensions of the pre or post object.
For example, if ``node`` has ``size_out=2`` and ``ensemble`` has
``size_in=1``, we could not create the following connection::
nengo.Connection(node, ensemble)
But, we could create either of these two connections::
nengo.Connection(node[0], ensemble)
nengo.Connection(node[1], ensemble)
pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
The source Nengo object for the connection.
post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
The destination object for the connection.
synapse : Synapse, optional \
(Default: ``nengo.synapses.Lowpass(tau=0.005)``)
Synapse model to use for filtering (see `~nengo.synapses.Synapse`).
function : callable, optional (Default: None)
Function to compute across the connection. Note that ``pre`` must be
an ensemble to apply a function across the connection.
transform : (post.size_in, pre.size_out) array_like, optional \
(Default: ``np.array(1.0)``)
Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
or post is a slice, the transform must be shaped according to
the sliced dimensionality. Additionally, the function is applied
before the transform, so if a function is computed across the
connection, the transform must be of shape
``(len(function(np.zeros(post.size_in))), pre.size_out)``.
solver : Solver, optional (Default: ``nengo.solvers.LstsqL2()``)
Solver instance to compute decoders or weights
(see `~nengo.solvers.Solver`). If ``solver.weights`` is True, a full
connection weight matrix is computed instead of decoders.
learning_rule_type : LearningRuleType or iterable of LearningRuleType, \
optional (Default: None)
Modifies the decoders or connection weights during simulation.
eval_points : (n_eval_points, pre.size_out) array_like or int, optional \
(Default: None)
Points at which to evaluate ``function`` when computing decoders,
spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
If None, will use the eval_points associated with ``pre``.
scale_eval_points : bool, optional (Default: True)
Indicates whether the evaluation points should be scaled
by the radius of the pre Ensemble.
label : str, optional (Default: None)
A descriptive label for the connection.
seed : int, optional (Default: None)
The seed used for random number generation.
is_decoded : bool
True if and only if the connection is decoded. This will not occur
when ``solver.weights`` is True or both pre and post are
function : callable
The given function.
function_size : int
The output dimensionality of the given function. If no function is
specified, function_size will be 0.
label : str
A human-readable connection label for debugging and visualization.
If not overridden, incorporates the labels of the pre and post objects.
learning_rule_type : instance or list or dict of LearningRuleType, optional
The learning rule types.
post : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe or ObjView
The given post object.
post_obj : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or Probe
The underlying post object, even if ``post`` is an ``ObjView``.
post_slice : slice or list or None
The slice associated with ``post`` if it is an ObjView, or None.
pre : Ensemble or Neurons or Node or ObjView
The given pre object.
pre_obj : Ensemble or Neurons or Node
The underlying pre object, even if ``post`` is an ``ObjView``.
pre_slice : slice or list or None
The slice associated with ``pre`` if it is an ObjView, or None.
seed : int
The seed used for random number generation.
solver : Solver
The Solver instance that will be used to compute decoders or weights
(see ``nengo.solvers``).
synapse : Synapse
The Synapse model used for filtering across the connection
(see ``nengo.synapses``).
transform : (size_mid, size_out) array_like
Linear transform mapping the pre function output to the post input.
probeable = ('output', 'input', 'weights')
pre = PrePostParam('pre', nonzero_size_out=True)
post = PrePostParam('post', nonzero_size_in=True)
synapse = SynapseParam('synapse', default=Lowpass(tau=0.005))
function_info = ConnectionFunctionParam(
'function', default=None, optional=True)
transform = TransformParam('transform', default=np.array(1.0))
solver = ConnectionSolverParam('solver', default=LstsqL2())
learning_rule_type = ConnectionLearningRuleTypeParam(
'learning_rule_type', default=None, optional=True)
eval_points = EvalPointsParam('eval_points',
sample_shape=('*', 'size_in'))
scale_eval_points = BoolParam('scale_eval_points', default=True)
modulatory = ObsoleteParam(
"Modulatory connections have been removed. "
"Connect to a learning rule instead.",
def __init__(self, pre, post, synapse=Default, function=Default,
transform=Default, solver=Default, learning_rule_type=Default,
eval_points=Default, scale_eval_points=Default,
label=Default, seed=Default, modulatory=Unconfigurable):
super(Connection, self).__init__(label=label, seed=seed)
self.pre = pre = post
self.synapse = synapse
self.transform = transform
self.scale_eval_points = scale_eval_points
self.eval_points = eval_points # Must be set before function
self.function_info = function # Must be set after transform
self.solver = solver # Must be set before learning rule
self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type # set after transform
self.modulatory = modulatory
def __str__(self):
return "<Connection %s>" % self._str
def __repr__(self):
return "<Connection at 0x%x %s>" % (id(self), self._str)
def _str(self):
if self.label is not None:
return self.label
desc = "" if self.function is None else " computing '%s'" % (
getattr(self.function, '__name__', str(self.function)))
return "from %s to %s%s" % (self.pre,, desc)
def function(self):
return self.function_info.function
def function(self, function):
self.function_info = function
def is_decoded(self):
return not (self.solver.weights or (
isinstance(self.pre_obj, Neurons) and
isinstance(self.post_obj, Neurons)))
def _label(self):
if self.label is not None:
return self.label
return "from %s to %s%s" % (
" computing '%s'" % self.function.__name__
if self.function is not None else "")
def learning_rule(self):
"""(LearningRule or iterable) Connectable learning rule object(s)."""
if self.learning_rule_type is not None and self._learning_rule is None:
types = self.learning_rule_type
if isinstance(types, dict):
self._learning_rule = types.__class__() # dict of same type
for k, v in iteritems(types):
self._learning_rule[k] = LearningRule(self, v)
elif is_iterable(types):
self._learning_rule = [LearningRule(self, v) for v in types]
elif isinstance(types, LearningRuleType):
self._learning_rule = LearningRule(self, types)
raise ValidationError(
"Invalid type %r" % types.__class__.__name__,
attr='learning_rule_type', obj=self)
return self._learning_rule
def post_obj(self):
return if isinstance(, ObjView) else
def post_slice(self):
return ( if isinstance(, ObjView)
else slice(None))
def pre_obj(self):
return self.pre.obj if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else self.pre
def pre_slice(self):
return self.pre.slice if isinstance(self.pre, ObjView) else slice(None)
def size_in(self):
"""(int) The number of output dimensions of the pre object.
Also the input size of the function, if one is specified.
return self.pre.size_out
def size_mid(self):
"""(int) The number of output dimensions of the function, if specified.
If the function is not specified, then ``size_in == size_mid``.
size = self.function_info.size
return self.size_in if size is None else size
def size_out(self):
"""(int) The number of input dimensions of the post object.
Also the number of output dimensions of the transform.
[docs]class LearningRule(object):
"""An interface for making connections to a learning rule.
Connections to a learning rule are to allow elements of the network to
affect the learning rule. For example, learning rules that use error
information can obtain that information through a connection.
Learning rule objects should only ever be accessed through the
``learning_rule`` attribute of a connection.
def __init__(self, connection, learning_rule_type):
self._connection = weakref.ref(connection)
self.learning_rule_type = learning_rule_type
def __repr__(self):
return "<LearningRule at 0x%x modifying %r with type %r>" % (
id(self), self.connection, self.learning_rule_type)
def __str__(self):
return "<LearningRule modifying %s with type %s>" % (
self.connection, self.learning_rule_type)
def connection(self):
"""(Connection) The connection modified by the learning rule."""
return self._connection()
def error_type(self):
"""(str) The type of information expected by the learning rule."""
return self.learning_rule_type.error_type
def modifies(self):
"""(str) The quantity modified by the learning rule."""
return self.learning_rule_type.modifies
def probeable(self):
"""(tuple) Signals that can be probed in the learning rule."""
return self.learning_rule_type.probeable
def size_in(self):
"""(int) Dimensionality of the signal expected by the learning rule."""
if self.error_type == 'none':
return 0
elif self.error_type == 'scalar':
return 1
elif self.error_type == 'decoded':
return (self.connection.post_obj.ensemble.size_in
if isinstance(self.connection.post_obj, Neurons) else
elif self.error_type == 'neuron':
raise NotImplementedError()
raise ValidationError(
"Unrecognized error type %r" % self.error_type,
attr='error_type', obj=self)
def size_out(self):
"""(int) Cannot connect from learning rules, so always 0."""
return 0 # since a learning rule can't connect to anything
# TODO: allow probing individual learning rules