import logging
import numpy as np
import nengo.utils.numpy as npext
from nengo.builder import Builder
from import Network
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@Builder.register(Network) # noqa: C901
[docs]def build_network(model, network):
"""Builds a `.Network` object into a model.
The network builder does this by mapping each high-level object to its
associated signals and operators one-by-one, in the following order:
1. Ensembles, nodes, neurons
2. Subnetworks (recursively)
3. Connections, learning rules
4. Probes
Before calling any of the individual objects' build functions, random
number seeds are assigned to objects that did not have a seed explicitly
set by the user. Whether the seed was assigned manually or automatically
is tracked, and the decoder cache is only used when the seed is assigned
model : Model
The model to build into.
network : Network
The network to build.
Sets ``model.params[network]`` to ``None``.
def get_seed(obj, rng):
# Generate a seed no matter what, so that setting a seed or not on
# one object doesn't affect the seeds of other objects.
seed = rng.randint(npext.maxint)
return (seed if not hasattr(obj, 'seed') or obj.seed is None
else obj.seed)
if model.toplevel is None:
model.toplevel = network
model.seeds[network] = get_seed(network, np.random)
model.seeded[network] = getattr(network, 'seed', None) is not None
# Set config
old_config = model.config
model.config = network.config
# assign seeds to children
rng = np.random.RandomState(model.seeds[network])
sorted_types = sorted(network.objects, key=lambda t: t.__name__)
for obj_type in sorted_types:
for obj in network.objects[obj_type]:
model.seeded[obj] = (model.seeded[network] or
getattr(obj, 'seed', None) is not None)
model.seeds[obj] = get_seed(obj, rng)
logger.debug("Network step 1: Building ensembles and nodes")
for obj in network.ensembles + network.nodes:
logger.debug("Network step 2: Building subnetworks")
for subnetwork in network.networks:
logger.debug("Network step 3: Building connections")
for conn in network.connections:
# NB: we do these in the order in which they're defined, and build the
# learning rule in the connection builder. Because learning rules are
# attached to connections, the connection that contains the learning
# rule (and the learning rule) are always built *before* a connection
# that attaches to that learning rule. Therefore, we don't have to
# worry about connection ordering here.
# TODO: Except perhaps if the connection being learned
# is in a subnetwork?
logger.debug("Network step 4: Building probes")
for probe in network.probes:
# Unset config
model.config = old_config
model.params[network] = None