Source code for nengo.builder.ensemble

import collections
import warnings

import numpy as np

import nengo.utils.numpy as npext
from nengo.builder import Builder, Signal
from nengo.builder.operator import Copy, DotInc, Reset
from nengo.dists import Distribution
from nengo.ensemble import Ensemble
from nengo.neurons import Direct
from nengo.utils.builder import default_n_eval_points

built_attrs = ['eval_points',

[docs]class BuiltEnsemble(collections.namedtuple('BuiltEnsemble', built_attrs)): """Collects the parameters generated in `.build_ensemble`. These are stored here because in the majority of cases the equivalent attribute in the original ensemble is a `.Distribution`. The attributes of a BuiltEnsemble are the full NumPy arrays used in the simulation. See the `.Ensemble` documentation for more details on each parameter. Parameters ---------- eval_points : ndarray Evaluation points. encoders : ndarray Normalized encoders. intercepts : ndarray X-intercept of each neuron. max_rates : ndarray Maximum firing rates for each neuron. scaled_encoders : ndarray Normalized encoders scaled by the gain and radius. This quantity is used in the actual simulation, unlike ``encoders``. gain : ndarray Gain of each neuron. bias : ndarray Bias current injected into each neuron. """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, eval_points, encoders, intercepts, max_rates, scaled_encoders, gain, bias): # Overridden to suppress the default __new__ docstring return tuple.__new__(cls, (eval_points, encoders, intercepts, max_rates, scaled_encoders, gain, bias))
def sample(dist, n, d=None, rng=None): if isinstance(dist, Distribution): return dist.sample(n, d=d, rng=rng).astype(np.float64) return np.array(dist, dtype=np.float64) def gen_eval_points(ens, eval_points, rng, scale_eval_points=True): if isinstance(eval_points, Distribution): n_points = ens.n_eval_points if n_points is None: n_points = default_n_eval_points(ens.n_neurons, ens.dimensions) eval_points = eval_points.sample(n_points, ens.dimensions, rng) else: if (ens.n_eval_points is not None and eval_points.shape[0] != ens.n_eval_points): warnings.warn("Number of eval_points doesn't match " "n_eval_points. Ignoring n_eval_points.") eval_points = np.array(eval_points, dtype=np.float64) assert eval_points.ndim == 2 if scale_eval_points: eval_points *= ens.radius # scale by ensemble radius return eval_points def get_activities(model, ens, eval_points): x =, model.params[ens].encoders.T / ens.radius) return ens.neuron_type.rates( x, model.params[ens].gain, model.params[ens].bias) def get_gain_bias(ens, rng=np.random): if ens.gain is not None and ens.bias is not None: gain = sample(ens.gain, ens.n_neurons, rng=rng) bias = sample(ens.bias, ens.n_neurons, rng=rng) max_rates, intercepts = None, None # TODO: determine from gain & bias elif ens.gain is not None or ens.bias is not None: # TODO: handle this instead of error raise NotImplementedError("gain or bias set for %s, but not both. " "Solving for one given the other is not " "implemented yet." % ens) else: max_rates = sample(ens.max_rates, ens.n_neurons, rng=rng) intercepts = sample(ens.intercepts, ens.n_neurons, rng=rng) gain, bias = ens.neuron_type.gain_bias(max_rates, intercepts) return gain, bias, max_rates, intercepts @Builder.register(Ensemble) # noqa: C901
[docs]def build_ensemble(model, ens): """Builds an `.Ensemble` object into a model. A brief of summary of what happens in the ensemble build process, in order: 1. Generate evaluation points and encoders. 2. Normalize encoders to unit length. 3. Determine bias and gain. 4. Create neuron input signal 5. Add operator for injecting bias. 6. Call build function for neuron type. 7. Scale encoders by gain and radius. 8. Add operators for mulitplying decoded input signal by encoders and incrementing the result in the neuron input signal. 9. Call build function for injected noise. Some of these steps may be altered or omitted depending on the parameters of the ensemble, in particular the neuron type. For example, most steps are omitted for the `.Direct` neuron type. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to build into. ens : Ensemble The ensemble to build. Notes ----- Sets ``model.params[ens]`` to a `.BuiltEnsemble` instance. """ # Create random number generator rng = np.random.RandomState(model.seeds[ens]) eval_points = gen_eval_points(ens, ens.eval_points, rng=rng) # Set up signal model.sig[ens]['in'] = Signal(np.zeros(ens.dimensions), name="%s.signal" % ens) model.add_op(Reset(model.sig[ens]['in'])) # Set up encoders if isinstance(ens.neuron_type, Direct): encoders = np.identity(ens.dimensions) elif isinstance(ens.encoders, Distribution): encoders = sample(ens.encoders, ens.n_neurons, ens.dimensions, rng=rng) else: encoders = npext.array(ens.encoders, min_dims=2, dtype=np.float64) encoders /= npext.norm(encoders, axis=1, keepdims=True) # Build the neurons gain, bias, max_rates, intercepts = get_gain_bias(ens, rng) if isinstance(ens.neuron_type, Direct): model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'] = Signal( np.zeros(ens.dimensions), name='%s.neuron_in' % ens) model.sig[ens.neurons]['out'] = model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'] model.add_op(Reset(model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'])) else: model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'] = Signal( np.zeros(ens.n_neurons), name="%s.neuron_in" % ens) model.sig[ens.neurons]['out'] = Signal( np.zeros(ens.n_neurons), name="%s.neuron_out" % ens) bias_sig = Signal(bias, name="%s.bias" % ens, readonly=True) model.add_op(Copy(src=bias_sig, dst=model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'])) # This adds the neuron's operator and sets other signals, ens.neurons) # Scale the encoders if isinstance(ens.neuron_type, Direct): scaled_encoders = encoders else: scaled_encoders = encoders * (gain / ens.radius)[:, np.newaxis] model.sig[ens]['encoders'] = Signal( scaled_encoders, name="%s.scaled_encoders" % ens, readonly=True) # Inject noise if specified if ens.noise is not None:, sig_out=model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'], inc=True) # Create output signal, using built Neurons model.add_op(DotInc( model.sig[ens]['encoders'], model.sig[ens]['in'], model.sig[ens.neurons]['in'], tag="%s encoding" % ens)) # Output is neural output model.sig[ens]['out'] = model.sig[ens.neurons]['out'] model.params[ens] = BuiltEnsemble(eval_points=eval_points, encoders=encoders, intercepts=intercepts, max_rates=max_rates, scaled_encoders=scaled_encoders, gain=gain, bias=bias)